
  • Collaborative Divorce & Parenting Plans

    Collaborative family law in Florida is a voluntary settlement process wherein parties seeking a divorce or custody plan resolve their disputes without litigation. Conflicts related to the marriage, property, and children are privately discussed and negotiated outside of court, with an ultimate goal of avoiding an expensive and emotional trial. Either party may terminate the collaborative process for any reason in favor of traditional litigation. However, it will be necessary for parties to secure new counsel to move forward with contested litigation.

  • Family Law Mediation

    Mediation allows families who are transitioning through divorce or custody issues to discuss solutions and settlement proposals with the help of a neutral third party. Mediations can occur with everyone in the same room, or with the parties completely separated. In Florida, family mediators are specially trained and certified by the Florida Supreme Court.

  • Guardian Ad Litem

    A Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) may be appointed by the court to assist in investigating the allegations of each parent in high conflict family law matters. The court may authorize the GAL to interview the children and other witnesses and make recommendations to the judge to serve the child’s best interests. The role of a GAL in complex family litigation is unique and sensitive. Parties seeking a GAL should understand the importance of requesting a GAL with significant experience in family law and working with children.

  • Parenting Coordination

    Parenting Coordination is a dispute resolution process where parents receive assistance with implementing and adjusting to a parenting plan. Parenting coordinators help educate parents regarding parenting plans, develop practical solutions to communication and resolution of disputes, and may assist the court in other ways.